The Psychedelic Revolution will not be televised!


In 1978 Dr Christine Bott was imprisoned in Durham Jail ‘H’ Wing with the 36 most dangerous women in the country. Her crime? She believed LSD could help save the human race. She believed it would benefit society, enable a human evolution that would support peace , love and ecological security across the planet.

Now in 2023, psychedelics are being researched into by psychologists, psychiatrists, to see whether they have discovered the most desired ‘magic bullet’.

By sharing Christine’s story , I hope to shine some light onto a sorry moment in history where she was vilified, imprisoned and judged to be someone who was a danger to society.

Please join me on Saturday September 23rd 2023 at Bonnington Cafe, 11 Vauxhall Grove, SW81TD at 3:30pm as I talk to BBC Broadcaster, Jonathan Wingate, about Christine and the impact LSD had on the counterculture, rock and roll and our lives today.

The interview is followed by a Hip Happening in the cafe and ends at 6:30. Free Entry.

You can see a recorded video here:

Short version:

Longer version:

Here is the podcast made by BBC Wales based on the first book . My direct contribution is in episodes 5 and 6.

You can order the books here:

Turn On Tune In Drop Out

Published by actualisinghaze

I was born in the 20th century. Living now in the 21st.

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